Monday, February 25, 2008

conservative rebels without a cause

The group founded by Mel and Norma Gabler has had a greater impact on the textbook adoption policy than any other. Although the founders are now dead, the group they founded is still flourishing. Discuss at least one good and one bad aspect of the work that the Gablers have done through the years.
Fuck all generalizations, and the notion that these two examples of people do not represent an overview of a lot of americans. it would seem that they do most. the worst aspect of all that the gablers fought for was the censorship of information in our text books. giving personal views that out weigh information and/or fact. right about now Mill would be rolling over in his grave. the irony in all of this is that the gablers wanted to deny authority to government control. this brings my point full circle. so many of us talk and walk our shit against the roles of our politicians and corportations, but if in the same situations we would turn around and exploit the public just the same. i call it 'the adam and eve' syndrome (that is copyrighted statement, and should not be used by anyone else but me). an original starting point if you will, that makes every person project the coolness of a free, easy-spirited person who infact hides their fangs until the opportune moment when some others disagree or refuse their products.

1 comment:

Bella said...

Mill would be rolling in his grave. We need to reject all the shit that they are forcing us to believe in.